Company Location Cambridge, Canada
Company Website

Hope Story  exists to see vulnerable children reach their full potential in Christ. 

In a world that is often unfair and unjust to children, we believe every child should be equipped with the faith, knowledge and life skills to build a better future.

Hope Story serves vulnerable children around the world by empowering local communities to provide basic care, education, and community outreach that strengthens families and transforms lives.


We operate by the following guiding principles:

Christ-Centered: We are guided by our Christian faith, seeking to serve God in all that we do, and sharing the gospel in word and deed with those with whom we interact. Our mission is rooted in the biblical mandate of James 1:27 - “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Child-Focused: Our mission is to serve and care for children who are vulnerable or in distress. While vulnerability is often revealed in situations of poverty and crisis, it is usually rooted in broken relationships with God and others. We therefore take a holistic approach to caring for children involving family, church and community. We value education and spiritual growth in helping children to mature into secure, independent and contributing adult members of society.

Church-Led: We believe that the church has a vital part to play in carrying out the mission of James 1:27 both in Canada and abroad. We serve in partnership with Canadian churches offering service and learning opportunities in Canada and abroad. We also come alongside the local Church, helping them meet the needs of vulnerable children in a culturally relevant way. Ultimately, we believe that abundant life comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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