Church Planting or Pastoral Residency

at True Life Arvada (view profile)
Location Arvada, Colorado
Date Posted January 24, 2025
Category Other
Job Type Part-time


The church planting or pastoral residency is intended to last 1.5-3 years depending on experience. At the conclusion of the residency, the ideal candidate would take on either the role of Church Planting Partner or a Pastor at True Life Church depending on the gifting of the candidate and the needs of the church at that time.

The resident will work closely with the lead pastor and other ministry leaders. Formal ministry training will be offered through various programs. There will be guided training in all areas of church ministry and mission.

The residency program could be anywhere from 20-40 hours a week, depending on how many additional work hours are needed outside the church. The resident will be paid $25,000 a year. and should be prepared to supplement his income during the residency. This could be through fundraising (and carry over this funding into the church plant) or working bi-vocationally (ideally within the Arvada community).


Who would make an ideal candidate for this position?

We’ll look for alignment in the following 6 key areas:

  • Confession
    1. Someone who joyfully affirms True Life Church’s vision, mission, and Statement of Faith.
    2. Someone who joyfully affirms the values, doctrine, organization of Acts 29
  • Character  
    1. Someone who passionately loves Christ and pursues a deepening relationship with Him through His Word, His Spirit, and His people.
    2. Someone mature in his relationship with Christ and dedicated to his wife and family (if applicable).
    3. Someone who loves people and desires to see them come to know Jesus personally and follow Jesus faithfully.
    4. Someone who is passionate about the gospel spreading through church planting around the globe. Someone who is humble, teachable, and passionate about personal, professional, and spiritual development.
  • Capacity
    1. Able to devote the necessary time and energy to the residency.
  • Competence
    1. Experience - Someone who has formal theological training through a Bible college or Seminary, and is looking for hands on ministry experience, including preaching, teaching, pastoral counseling, and leadership development.
    2. The candidate will engage in self-assessment, dialogue, and evaluation on each of the Acts 29 Competencies for church planting: Spiritual Vitality, Theological Clarity, Conviction & Commendation, Marriage, Relationships, Leadership, Maturity, Missional Lifestyle, Disciple Making, Ability to Teach, Entrepreneurial Aptitude.
    3. Equipped with gifting needed for church planting. Someone with an entrepreneurial spirit. Someone with administrative and executive skills. Someone who is willing to take on many of the behind-the-scenes administrative tasks involved in the operation of the church.
  • Chemistry
    1. Healthy interpersonal skills, connects well with TL pastors and leaders.
  • Culture
    1. Fits with the culture of TL and the local community.


Salary: $25,000


To Apply 


  1. Read the full details of the Residency here: 
  2. Fill out this application form:
  3. Email with questions